"Smiling so much"
A couple of years ago now, I was visiting with Fr. Vasili Kolega, who usually serves the parishes out in the countryside around Edmonton, but occasionally (to our delight) appears at St. Herman's. Fr. Vasili was mentioning to me that he had seen a documentary on TV that was discussing the old conspiracy theory that the moon landing was a hoax, filmed on a Hollywood soundstage. He couldn't believe that people would even be slightly suspicious! Fr. Vasili said to me, in his sweet Ukrainian accent, "I couldn't believe it, I was smiling so much." Ever since then, this has become a sort of in-house code for something that makes us laugh. Krista and I say it sometimes just for fun. Another really beautiful thing that Fr. Vasili says, when we come to him for Communion, is, after the normal prayer, "God bless you, thank you so much!" He thanks us! It's really humbling and hospitable and generous. Once you meet him, it is hard not to think of Fr. Vasili without a great deal of warmth and affection.
Anyway, there are times in Orthodox services when I cannot help but smile. For instance, last week our Church served the Akathist Hymn To Our Sweetest Lord Jesus. And there is this line in it that almost cracked me up right there in Church. "We behold the most eloquent orators silent as fish before You, O Jesus our Saviour, for they are at a loss to explain how You are both perfect man and immutable God." I thought, well, yes, fish are silent. But I'd never really thought of them as sort of models of silence, as in, like, hesychia. Beautiful.
Digression #2
Krista and I were thinking about getting those orange-and-black Halloween candies (the kind no kid likes) as a sort of gag treat... and then, just when the kid looks all forlorn for being so treated, we'll give them something good.... haven't decided yet. Ah!
Peace for now.